
Pima Event Calendar

Lee's Site

Cookie Booths


AZ Cactus-Pine

Girl Scouts of the USA

GS Leader Magazine

Girls Only (previously Just for Girls)

Little Brownie Bakers

Official Shop of Girl Scouts of the USA


World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts


May Newsletter

Last Newsletter for the School Year!

2008/2009 Registration

Julie Gregory will have packets for registration available May 16th. Your financial report for 2007-2008 must be turned in to Paula Rupnik before you can get your packet. Early re-registration needs to be turned in to Julie Gregory no later than June 15.

Disbanding Troops

If your troop is not continuing, give your completed financial report to Paula Rupnik and your checkbook to Julie Gregory. You can go to the bank and ask to have your name removed from the account. The mailing address should then be changed to Julie Gregory, 9888 East Wood Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. Please do not empty your troop account. The account and troop number will be reassigned in the fall.

Bank Accounts

Please remember to check your statements every month. You should only receive one service charge at the end of the school year for $18.00. If you are hit with any other charges, contact Jenny Pfennigs-Adams at ASAP. You also need to contact Jenny if you need to order checks.

Ideas for next year…

Did you know that the Pima Neighborhood is one of the largest neighborhoods in Arizona-Cactus Pine Council? We have over 90 troops in our neighborhood; however, we definitely do not have over 90 troop representatives at our monthly neighborhood meetings.

One personal hope I have for our neighborhood next year is to have more inter-troop activities, in addition to neighborhood activities. This can be as simple as having an older troop just hanging out with a younger troop, teaching them some songs, leading a meeting, or whatever. The best way to promote/arrange this is attendance at the neighborhood meetings.

2008/2009 Neighborhood Service Team

Anyone interested in being part of the Pima Neighborhood Service Team (School Coordinator, Fall Product Coordinator, etc), please contact Jenny Pfennigs-Adams at

Pima Neighborhood Meeting Dates for 2007/2008

Last meeting for the school year is May 5th. All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in Fellowship Hall (building C) at Shepherd of the Desert Church located at 96th Street and Shea Blvd.

Pima Neighborhood Meeting Dates for 2008/2009

Meetings dates for 2008/2009 are as follows:

All meetings begin at 7:00 PM and are held in the Fellowship Hall (building C) at Shepherd of the Desert Church, located at 96th Street and Shea. One representative from each troop is requested to be present at each meeting. This can be a leader, co-leader, or even one of your parents.

Service Team Meeting 2008/2009

The first Service Team Meeting for 2008/2009 will be immediately following the August 18th neighborhood meeting.

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